Hey everyone! Is it really spring?? Sure doesn't feel like around these parts. We're supposed to get snow tomorrow. Noooo! Argh!!!! Not a lot-just enough to remind us that Mother Nature is in charge. I guess she doesn't care what the calendar says and just wants to unfold spring to us when she's darn good and ready. So...we wait...
Anyway, a couple weeks ago I showed you an "art" piece I made with an antique hanger and a calendar page. Remember? It was the Simple Addition post. Well, I got three more antique hangers and attached different antique pages to them.
These pages are really cool. They're sea life illustrations done by a well known German scientist in the late 1800's. My brother got the pages on ebay from some guy in Europe and they were supposed to be my Christmas gift. Now, three months later, I finally have them. Of course, I can't just buy picture frames and hang them. No. Since I had the four hangers I thought I definitely had to attach the pages to the hangers and display them all together. My breakfast nook walls were bare and that's where they needed to go.
I had a problem, though. Only one hanger had clothes pins to attach the paper. I had to figure out how to attach the other delicate pages to the other hangers. It turns out archival tape and some twine was all I needed.
I just looped the twine around the hanger rod and taped it to the back of the paper.
I used archival tape so it won't damage the old paper.
I used archival tape so it won't damage the old paper.
Ta da!! What do you think? Clever, huh?
The white shelf came out of my mother's garage, from an old a house she bought more than 20years ago. When she bought that house, the shelf stored small cans of old paint. The cans were probably on that shelf for at least 20 years prior. That shelf was way too beautiful to be in a garage holding rusty old cans. I brought it home, cleaned it up and have been loving it since.
I'll be linking up to some great parties. Hope to see you party people there.
Have a great week. See ya.
Linky Parties!
Piece of Work Wednesday at